Configure grunt-build-control

For the most part, we will configure grunt-build-control just like we did for our webapp experiments. We will still be deploying our AngularJS sites to Github Pages because although we are creating much more complex Javascript applications, we are still only building a static website that requires no dynamic server to deliver. This is another of the amazing things about working with Javascript webapps.

Install grunt-build-control

The grunt-build-control component must be installed into each project where you want to use it. Install it as usual and don't forget to add the --save-dev flag so your project remembers that you are using grunt-build-control. Run this command to install grunt-build-control:

npm install grunt-build-control --save-dev

Let Grunt know that grunt-build-control is available

The generator-angular template uses jit-grunt to manage dependencies for your Grunt tasks. In this case, look for the definition that resembles this code:

// Automatically load required Grunt tasks
require('jit-grunt')(grunt, {
    useminPrepare: 'grunt-usemin',
    ngtemplates: 'grunt-angular-templates',
    cdnify: 'grunt-google-cdn'

Modify that require() definition to add a buildcontrol line, like this:

// Automatically load required Grunt tasks
require('jit-grunt')(grunt, {
    useminPrepare: 'grunt-usemin',
    ngtemplates: 'grunt-angular-templates',
    cdnify: 'grunt-google-cdn',
    buildcontrol: 'grunt-build-control'

Configure the buildcontrol task

You also need to create the task object inside of grunt.initConfig(). To keep things easy, I advocate placing this definition right before the definition for the watch task (which is what Grunt uses to know when you've changed files when you are running the local server).

This should looks something like this:

  // Define the configuration for all the tasks

    // Project settings
    yeoman: appConfig,

    buildcontrol: {
      options: {
        dir: 'dist',
        commit: true,
        push: true,
        message: 'Built %sourceName% from commit %sourceCommit% on branch %sourceBranch%'
      pages: {
        options: {
          remote: '[email protected]:your_github_user/your_webapp.git',
          branch: 'gh-pages'

    // Watches files for changes and runs tasks based on the changed files
    watch: {

    ... more code ...

Once you've completed these steps you may commit your code and deploy it.

Commit and deploy

Commit your code using the same process you have before. Once you commit you should run:

grunt build

and then

grunt buildcontrol

Once the buildcontrol command completes, you can visit your project on Github Pages to see the files deployed. You should see the same thing you saw in your local development browser, and your addition calculator (if you went that far) should be fully functional.

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