
Now that we have completed the basic features of our app, we can focus on the many, many improvements that will make this app stand out above the competition. Using the patterns that we've established so far we could add a few lines of code here and there to make major improvements in usability and user experience.

If you want to take a moment to practice more of what we've done here, I encourage you to think about how you would approach these tasks using, more or less, the same patterns we've established here:

  • Make the save city button turn into a "remove saved city" button if the user has already saved the city. (And actually remove that cityData object from the list if the user wishes.)
  • Allow users to save/unsave cities from the forecast view.
  • Add an additional API call to look up the weather data for saved cities so you can show quick weather reports for the user's favorite cities.
  • Use data coming back about the weather to add styles to the page so that the current and forecast views change their appearance based on the actual weather.
  • Find some public domain or open source weather imagery and icons and incorporate those.

The possibilities are rich when working with data as textured and dynamic as weather.

Congratulations on making it through the most ambitious chapter so far! Check the weather where you live and plan a picnic or a hike or something!

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