
In any webapp, we face a challenge of locating different "screens" or "views" of our app. These are often equated to pages of the site, and in the case of webapps we often still want to retain the ability to link precisely to content within the app. This requires us to have URLs that make sense and can be used by the application to return users to specific screens or content. Much of web technology is built around having URLs that point to specific information, and web users tend to appreciate tools like their browser's back button. It's crucial that we do not break the way URLs function when we build webapps.

In AngularJS, there is a mechanism for providing routes, which allows us to, essentially, create "locations" within our webapp. The Javascript code to define routes might look something like this:

  function($routeProvider) {
      when('/phones', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/phone-list.html',
        controller: 'PhoneListCtrl'
      when('/phones/:phoneId', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/phone-detail.html',
        controller: 'PhoneDetailCtrl'
        redirectTo: '/phones'

(Code sample borrowed from documentation.)

In this example, we can see that two different views are being configured: One view exists at /phones and will show a list of all phones in the system, controlled by the PhoneListCtrl controller. The other view exists at /phones/:phoneId and will show the information for just one phone model using the PhoneDetailCtrl controller. The otherwise clause tells the webapp that if the URL patterns do not match either of the two defined views, then route the user to the /phones view (the list of all the phones).

Note that each route defines three details:

  1. The route pattern ("/phones") that can be matched in the URL.
  2. The templateUrl attribute, which defines which template will be rendered.
  3. The controller, which defines which controller will be invoked.

This kind of routes definition would allow us to share links to specific phones, make bookmarks to specific phones, and would otherwise allow us to use this webapp like we expect.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""